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Eero Ettala
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[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1508831478025{margin-right: 8px !important;margin-left: 8px !important;}”]In the forests of Finland Eero Ettala, a now internationally renowned snowboard legend, was born in 1984. Eero has made a career by performing worldclass snowboarding, creating an über popular snowboard documentary while topping it all off with a warm and funky Finnish personality. In 2006 he became the first person ever to land a ”double backside rodeo 1080”, he then went on to win X-games snowboarding slopestyle in Aspen 2010.
Snowboarding attracted Eero at young age and what made him fully immerse with the sport was that snowboarding turned out to be more than ”just a sport”, it was an entire lifestyle. When asking Eero about what it is about snowboarding that makes it a lifestyle he says:
”I feel like its just the fact that there are no limits or rules on how to skateboard or snowboard. There are no coaches telling you what to do or how to do it. Snowboarding and skateboarding gives so much freedom for individual creativity, that many team sports don’t allow.
I used to play football and ice hockey and hated the fact, that there were scheduled trainings whether you felt like playing or not. So anytime you are out snowboarding or skateboarding, you are always there from your own will and for the right reasons.”
So, no schedules, no mandatory practices and no coaches to adhere to means you can wake up at whatever time you like, hit the slopes at your favourite hour and meet up with fellow snowboarders. For young people wishing to become part of the snowboard lifestyle and community Eero has a couple of advice based on how he made it big himself:
- Get a season pass to your local hill
- Make friends on the hill and ride with them as often as you can, they will make you progress
- Always ride for the right reason: have fun!
- Don’t worry about getting sponsored at a young age
- Be yourself!
Besides from snowboarding Eero has set a goal to do something athletic every day whether it is going to the gym, playing badminton, squash, road cycling or swimming. Mixing workout forms and sports have him workout different parts of the body every day. In order to keep up the frequency of activity he needs to be able to speed up recovery after each workout session, which is where ZeroPoint comes in to the picture.
”Wearing Zeropoint products while exercising and after helps a ton for the recovery. It is not all about function either, I really love the look and feel of the products and they fit well with the lifestyle I am representing.”
During his career it hasn’t just been downhill (pun intended). Eero has faced several challenges, among them six knee surgeries. During the difficulties his inspiration has always been to ”get back to do things I love”, in Eero’s case snowboard and skateboard. It is a mindset he recommends others to aim for when going through sport related set backs; staying positive is a must and setting goals for yourself will keep you motivated, “staying focused and determined will have you get back stronger than ever after hardships.”
Eero Ettala is everything ZeroPoint stands for: pushing limits, determination and being innovative while staying true to your self. Which is why we are proud sponsors to this snowboard hero since 2015.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
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